By Seniorlink on Jun 26, 2020 9:58:14 AM published an article co-authored by Tom Riley, President & CEO of Seniorlink, and Ricahrd Lui, News Anchor at MSNBC, about the unique challenges family caregivers to veterans face in the United States. The article, “‘Thrown right into the deep end’: How Alzheimer’s and brain injuries affect veterans’ families,” features two families navigating the world of veteran caregiving in a healthcare system that is unprepared to support veterans and the rapidly aging Baby Boomer population.
“Military veterans make up a disproportionate share of the millions of Americans receiving care from family and friends.” explain Riley and Lui.
“People are living longer than at any other time in history. We will soon have more people to care for than caregivers. The U.S. Census Bureau points to the year 2030 as a flashpoint, in which all members of the Baby Boomer generation will be over 65 years old, and one in every five U.S. residents will be of retirement age.
Within the statistics there are individual stories and no two are alike.”
Read more here.