Seniorlink News

Seniorlink’s VOICE for Dementia Care pilot empowers family caregivers

Seniorlink was featured in Aging In Place Technology Watch today for releasing its new VOICE for Dementia Care Pilot results. The results demonstrated how caregivers can lead to better health outcomes for persons with dementia and lower healthcare costs if they are confident and activated. 

Via Aging In Place Technology Watch:

“VOICE for Dementia Care, a tech-enabled care management solution, provides professional coaching and advice for family caregivers, guided by tailored protocols and supported with a collaboration platform, Vela. The pilot showed a significant reduction in caregiver burden and improvement in caregiver confidence and activation, which contributed to declines in hospitalizations and emergency department visits for persons diagnosed with dementia.

VOICE for Dementia Care is an evidence-based program designed to connect family caregivers with a professional coach, who offers guidance and support using clinical protocols through Vela. The professional coaches from Seniorlink partner with existing care teams at health plans and providers. 

The program leverages established behavioral science and proven caregiver engagement techniques. A successful six-month pilot conducted in Indiana showed that activating the family caregiver reduced their burden and improved their confidence. This, in turn, empowered them in their critical role as family caregivers, resulting in a reduction in key clinical outcomes.”

To read more, click here.


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