Seniorlink News

Seniorlink to attend HCBS Conference in Baltimore

Seniorlink will be attending the 2019 National Home & Community Based Services Conference (HCBS), hosted by the National Association of States for Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD) taking place August 26 to August 28. Seniorlink team members will be on-site demoing Vela, Seniorlink’s HIPPA-secure collaboration app.

Exhibition hours:
August 27, 11:45am – 7pm
August 28, 7am – 3pm
Seniorlink booth:
#411 – 413

Conference Location:
Marriott Waterfront Baltimore
Baltimore, MD

Seniorlink is a Sapphire sponsor of the event

The HCBS Conference highlights best practices from across the country in home and community-based services while bringing together federal, state, and local policymakers as well as those who administer, manage, and deliver waiver and other HCBS programs. Click here to learn more!


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