Seniorlink News

More support needed for Alzheimer’s, dementias

Seniorlink’s Kristine Chrisopulos, Community Engagement Specialist in Sioux Falls, was featured in the Argus Leader for her Letter to the Editor on Alzheimer’s disease and its impact on family caregivers in South Dakota. June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness month, with June 21 being The Longest Day – a campaign organized on the summer solstice by the Alzheimer’s Association that brings awareness to Alzheimer’s disease. 

Via Argus Leader:

“Caregivers’ circumstances vary but, for everyone, the work is physically and emotionally draining. The motivation is not a paycheck but a sense of duty and love. If you did put a price tag on their dedication, the value of family caregiver services would be an alarming $200 billion.

South Dakota has the third-highest Alzheimer’s death rate in the United States. There are over 38,000 family caregivers caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s or a related dementia. These caregivers account for more than 43 million hours of unpaid care amounting to over $544 million in healthcare costs.

South Dakota has made great strides in supporting persons diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and related dementias, as well as their families. Programs like Structured Family Caregiving (SFC) are now available to South Dakota residents eligible for the HOPE waiver and the families that have stepped up to care for a loved one. These types of programs surround families with professional, emotional and financial support so that care can remain in a community setting.”

To read the full article, click here!



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