Seniorlink News

Lois Simon presenting at Healthcare of Tomorrow by U.S. News & World Report

Lois Simon, EVP of Policy and Programs, at Seniorlink is joining the panel discussion “Redesigning the Healthcare Workforce” at this year’s Healthcare of Tomorrow conference by U.S. News & World Report. The session will analyze how healthcare systems can successfully address their emerging workforce needs as healthcare moves from the hospital into the community. Other panelists presenting alongside Simon include Moderator Jada Graves of U.S News & World Report, Joanne Conroym M.D. of Dartmouth-Hitchcock, Nupur Mehta of CareMore East and Shaun Smith of Presbyterian Hospital. 

Key Info:
Healthcare of Tomorrow
Redesigning the Heathcare Workforce
November 15, 8:45-10:00am 
Renaissance Downtown Hotel
Washington, D.C.


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