Seniorlink News

Seniorlink Director of Community Partnerships Lisa Bennett Discusses Structured Family Caregiving on The CW69 Atlanta

On October 3rd, Seniorlink’s Director of Community Partnerships Lisa Bennett was featured on the CW69 News of Atlanta. Bennett went on air to speak with Keisha Lancelin, host of the segment “Focus Atlanta,” about how Structured Family Caregiving can provided needed coaching and support for Georgians taking care of loved ones at home.

“During the pandemic, and over these last couple years, we know that caregivers have been facing more and more challenges as they’ve been taking on increased needs for loved ones at home and in the community,” Bennett said on the broadcast. 

“Seniorlink has made it their mission for the last 20 years to support and empower these informal family caregivers that are in the community, caring for their loved ones in the home,” she added.

Throughout the segment, Bennett and Lancelin discussed the unexpected nature of caregiving responsibilities and the challenges of accessing resources. Bennett provided an overview of what Structured Family Caregiving entails, and directed viewers to the Seniorlink website to learn more.  

Watch the Focus Atlanta segment with Lisa Bennett

Learn more about Structured Family Caregiving from Seniorlink and Caregiver Homes 


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