By Angela Stringfellow on May 23, 2019 1:52:06 PM
According to a 2014 study published in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, a whopping 28-percent of American seniors are considered to be ‘inactive’ — that’s roughly 31 million sedentary people. In this particular study, ‘inactive’ is defined as “moving no more than necessary to perform the most basic functions of daily life.” The findings reveal a whole lot about the ongoing public health crisis in America, but the high numbers also illustrate another disturbing trend: many seniors do not know how to take care of their aging bodies.
Exercise and physical activity is one of the best ways to keep seniors engaged, including those with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. In fact, regular physical activity can even help to reduce dementia sleep problems. Staying active can also help to preserve mobility for older adults, reducing the need for substantial home modifications later in life.
It’s not easy to determine what exercises are best suited for an older adult, especially if they have mobility limitations. Fortunately, there is plenty of helpful, expert info available for seniors and/or their caregivers. We’ve gathered 50 of the best exercises specifically designed for a wide range of seniors, including those who prefer to work out outdoors or indoors, as well as those who struggle with mobility issues and dementia.
Outdoor Exercises for Seniors
- Play sports with the younger generations. “For seniors that can keep up, spending time with your grandchildren is another fun way to enjoy the outdoors and still get a bit of exercise. Playing a game of tag or basketball will keep you feeling loose and limber, and you will be able to make a memory in the process. Even just going for a walk with your grandkids is an excellent way to pass an afternoon while also enjoying some fresh air.” – Outdoor Exercise Ideas for Seniors, Sunrise Senior Living; Twitter: @sunrisesrliving
- Spend more time gardening. “Gardening may not seem like much of an exercise, but did you know that completing 30 to 45 minutes of gardening activity actually burns up to 200 calories? Between mowing the lawn, planting new flowers and weeding, this activity is a great way to get some exercise while enjoying the summer sun.” – Top 5 Outdoor Exercises for Seniors, Medical Guardian; Twitter: @MedicalGuardian
- Focus on integrating aerobic activities into the exercise routine. “Aerobic activityhelps older adults burn off calories, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, maintain joint movement, improve heart health, and increase energy levels overall. Building endurance may take some time, depending on your health and activity level. Try starting with 5-minute cardio sessions a few days a week to raise your heart rate. From there, work toward eventually completing 30 minutes of aerobic activity on most days. Moderate endurance exercise for seniors includes walking briskly, tennis, and swimming; more intense aerobic activities include hiking and running.” – Melanie Winderlich, Medically Reviewed by Pat F. Bass III, MD, MPH, 11 Easy Exercise You Can Do Today, Everyday Health; Twitter: @everydayhealth
- Cruise around on a bicycle. “Cycling is a low-impact activity. But you can still injure yourself if you have the wrong size bike, or if the saddle and handlebars are at the wrong height. Cycling is an aerobic exercise that works your lower body and cardiovascular system. Start slowly and increase the length of your cycling sessions gradually.” – Easy Exercises, NHS; Twitter: @NHSEngland
- Give aqua aerobics or aqua running a try. “One of the fastest ways to get fit on land is equally effective in the water, especially for people with chronic conditions that require low or even no-impact to their joints and muscles. Pool runningis also an ideal way for injured athletes to stay in top cardiovascular shape while recovering. A water buoyancy belt for the deep end allows you to duplicate your land-running form. If that isn’t important to you (if you are not a long-distance runner, for example), try it without the belt for an extra challenge.” – Aqua Aerobics Fitness: Tips and Routines to Get Fit!, Untrained Housewife; Twitter: @UntrainedHW
- Join an outdoor tai chi class. “Tai Chi is becoming a popular trend as an exercise option for seniors. When designed for this age group, the movements are slow, with footwork choreographed by a leader. Participants learn to breathe correctly, focusing on how they intake and release air while moving. Concentrating on each movement helps the mind to relax and relieves stress. The person is often calmer and has more energy after a session. Deep breathing and learning to focus helps improve balance, which can help prevent falls and injuries.” – Tai Chi for Seniors: A Safe Way for Improving Health, Philips Lifeline; Twitter: @PhilipsHealth
- Tidy up in the outdoors. “Household activities like gardening, shoveling snow, and raking leaves can also count as endurance activities as long as your breathing and heart rate increases and you do the activity for at least 10 minutes. Any activities that meet those criteria are considered endurance exercises.” – Senior Exercise: Making Fitness a Part of Your Daily Routine, Great Senior Living; Twitter: @grtseniorliving
- Go for a hike. “Hiking gives seniors a chance to engage in both strength training and cardio while enjoying stunning sights and sounds of nature. Aging adults who hike build endurance and strengthen their legs, glutes and abs. In home careproviders suggest that seniors start by taking hikes and gradually make them longer as they get more comfortable walking on uneven payment.” – Lonnie Jolliff, Tips from In-Home Care Providers: Outdoor Exercise Ideas for Seniors, Comfort Keepers; Twitter: @CKHenderson569
- Take a walk — even if it’s just for fun. “A daily walk, even if it’s just a 15-minute stroll to the shops, can help to keep you active and, if you walk with friends, it can give your social life a boost, too.
“Brisk walking counts as a moderate-intensity activity, provided that you set a pace where you feel a little bit out of breath but can still carry on a conversation. Don’t feel that you have to take long walks every day. It’s best to try to make walking a part of your everyday routine.” – Walking Tips and Advice, Age UK; Twitter: @age_uk
- Play a round of golf and skip the cart, if you can. “According toGolf Digest Magazine, the average golfer burns over 1,400 calories walking 18 holes, and as many as 850 calories riding in the cart.
“Walking the course also helps build muscle strength, improve cardiovascular functions, and increase endurance, which are all important to your health as you age. If you’re not feeling up to the task, try walking 9 holes, and taking a golf cart on the back 9. Along with walking and building lower body strength, the golf swing itself promotes core muscle strength. The major muscle groups within the golf swing are the core region, and strengthening that area is an important way to prevent lower back pain. Your swing can also build the muscles in your chest, buttocks, back, and forearms. For those who are looking for a workout while having fun, golf just might be that dream activity you were looking for.” – Play a Round: Golf Has Many Health Benefits for Seniors, Bayada Home Healthcare; Twitter: @bayadahhc
- Take advantage of outdoor gym equipment. “Just like a regular gym, outdoor gyms offer a wide range of equipment, allowing people to try out different workout activities in the fresh air. Several playground manufacturers, like KOMPAN, have diversified their product range and now also specialize in fitness equipment. Because of their colors, materials, aesthetics and the fact that many of them are located next to playgrounds, outdoor gyms are often called “adult playgrounds.” – Sharing.Lab, The Rise of Outdoor Gyms: Nudging People to Be More Active, Medium; Twitter: @Medium
- Go exploring on a kayak. “Kayak touring is one of the best recreational activities for seniors. It is low impact. It’s easy to learn. It’s a great way to get together with other seniors and connect. It’s intellectually stimulating involving navigation skills and tide charts.” – 10 Tips for Kayaking Seniors, Seniors Skiing
- Take up a sport that has a funny name. “Of all the racket sports (tennis, squash, ping-pong and badminton) the pickleball devotees who have played other sports claim it is the most fun. This, no doubt, is debatable, but there are some things about pickleball that are undebatable.
“The smaller court also means less running and less wear and tear on knees, hips, ankles – our joints. For people who have problems with these joints, but still want a racket sport to be active, then pickleball is a very good choice.” – Tom Beck, Pickleball: Fastest Growing Sport—Especially for Seniors, MUSC Health; Twitter: @MUSChealth
Indoor Exercises for Seniors
- Nourish a yoga practice. “Don’t let the whippersnappers be the only ones doing yoga! Yoga is for everyone, and you are never too old to start a yoga practice. Seniors can find enormous benefit in practicing yoga, including increasing joint movement, lowering blood pressure, and regulating the sleep cycle. Depression also decreases with yoga.” – Dr. Ramdesh, 5 Tips to Practice Yoga for Seniors, Spirit Voyage; Twitter: @spiritvoyage
- Walk around indoors. “When the weather outside is too frightful or rainy, go for a walk in a museum, indoor shopping mall, school, conservatory, or other large public indoor space that is open to the public. Aim for a brisk 30-minute walk for a total of 2.5 hours per week. Consider getting a pedometer to count each step and track your distance.” – Easy Exercises Seniors to Do Indoors,; Twitter: @MedicareOrg
- Join a gym — and get help from a trainer. “Get instructions from a personal trainer or fitness instructor before using any of the equipment; examples of equipment include the treadmill, stationary bike, and weights.”— Indoor Exercises for Seniors,; Twitter: @canoe
- Make use of the gym’s stationary recumbent bike. “…for those recovering from hip or back surgery or arthritis pain, the position of a cycle, even a stationary bike, is uncomfortable. The recumbent bike is designed with a backrest for support and places users at an angle where the legs are out in front of the cycle instead of on the sides of the machine. This position places less stress on fragile hips or joints yet offers a tremendous aerobic workout.” – Amy Osmond Cook, Health and Wellness: Best Forms of Indoor Exercise for Seniors, Daily Herald; Twitter: @heraldextra
- Practice Pilates. “Pilatesis another low-impact strength program that can be great for people at any age, including seniors. These indoor workouts are focused on helping you develop core strength and stability, which can improve balance and tone your body. From mat work to equipment-assisted exercises, you’ll likely find that many indoor gyms and studios offer Pilates classes for first-timers so that you can learn the basics from a pro in a safe environment.” – Indoor Exercise Workouts for Seniors, CapTel; Twitter: @captelphone
- For a fun, full-body workout, try Zumba. “Dancing may not sound like such a tough workout, but an hour of Zumba will work your body from head to toe. Moving back and forth and side to side will use every part of your lower body, and most of the dance moves also have you moving your arms and shoulders in rhythm with the music. Combined with the program’s body weight squats, lunges, curls and arm raises, you enjoy just as good a workout as you’d receive in a traditional gym setting.” – 7 Reasons Seniors Should Try Zumba, Erickson Living; Twitter: @ericksonliving
- Put on those dancing shoes. “Dance exercise is an aerobic activity that burn calories, works the heart muscle and is appropriate for any age and level of fitness. Dance requires constant movement at your own pace, which elevates the heart rate to pump oxygen faster through your blood. This is what makes it aerobic, or cardiovascular. Doing aerobics five to six days a week can help improve your energy levels, reduces risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes, strengthens your heart and improves your overall mood. The American Council on Exercise suggests that dancing for aerobic fitness also can help improve your memory.” – Shannon Sukovaty, Dance Exercise for Seniors, Livestrong; Twitter: @LIVESTRONG_COM
- Stretch those limbs. “No matter what your workout routine, adding some gentle stretches will improve your flexibility and range of motion. You’ll want to do stretchesthat focus on muscles you’re working during the rest of your routine, but some general stretches in the morning and evening can be especially beneficial for seniors, since our muscles tend to lose flexibility as we age.
“The National Institute on Aging recommends regularly stretching your neck, shoulders, upper arms, upper body, chest, back, ankles, legs, hips and calves. This might sound like a lot of stretching, but if you do a few stretching exercises each day, you can hit all of these areas fairly quickly.” –Becky Streipe, 10 Low-Impact Exercises for Seniors, HowStuffWorks; Twitter: @howstuffworks
- Plug in the Wii and get moving. “As you might guess, Wii-based exercises are definitely better than nothing. Balance significantly improved in the study group compared with those who didn’t exercise at all. And Wii-based programs appear to be just as effective as other types of exercise programs in enhancing balance control in seniors. More high-quality studies are needed to determine if these positive effects last in the long term, and by no means does the evidence suggest anyone abandon their current exercise routines in favor of virtual reality programs!” – Wii-Based Exercise Programs for Seniors—Not Your Grandkids’ Nintendo, McMaster Optimal Aging Portal; Twitter: @Mac_AgingNews
- Glide through the cardio on an elliptical machine. “The elliptical machine provides a great low-impact workout. It uses a gliding leg motion that minimizes stress on the joints and handlebars that work the upper body. There’s minimal joint stress with this machine. As a result, it’s a good fit for those with arthritis or other conditions. The stable design and four-point balance (feet and arms) make the elliptical machine feel secure for older individuals who may not have great balance or coordination. You get a full-body workoutwith this machine and you can pump up your intensity by adjusting the resistance, allowing you to work out hard, without pounding your body.” – Catherine Cram, Exercise Physiologist, 9 Effective Low-Impact Workouts for Older Adults, Aaptiv; Twitter: @aaptiv
- Perform basic balance training exercises. “These exercises will improve balance and can be done most anytime, anywhere, and as often as you want. Make sure you have something to help keep you steady. Balance training should be kept simple. The only way to improve balance is to challenge it. This type of training is best accomplished by progressively increasing the challenge.” – Best Exercises for Seniors, Geriatric Nursing; Twitter: @gnjournal
- Say ‘hello’ to the hula hoop. “Porcari led a 2010 studyby the American Council on Exercise (ACE) that showed how hula hooping burns 210 calories for a 30-minute session, which falls within accepted guidelines for weight management and meets industry standards for improving cardiovascular fitness. Plus, the variety of movements strengthens and tones the entire body, according to the ACE study.
“Hooping classes are cropping up in many YMCAs and private fitness clubs and are particularly popular among the over-50 crowd, says Mary Pulak, 65, a hula hooping instructor and owner of Hooked on Hooping in Green Bay, Wisc. Pulak introduced hooping to the Greater Green Bay Y years ago and now provides hoop instructor certification to fitness instructors and youth leaders. She credits hooping for keeping her in great shape.” – Linda Melone, CSCS, The Health Benefits of Hula Hoops, Next Avenue; Twitter: @nextavenue
- Aim for a strike. “Bowling offers many health benefits for both the young and old alike. Bowling is an especially good form of exercise for seniors. Depending on your weight, and bowling style, you may burn up to 250 calories per hour bowling. Bowling a 3-game series involves walking over half a mile while swinging an 8-16-pound weight. This exercise increases the bowler’s endurance, speeds up the bowler’s metabolism, and helps the bowler maintain bone density.” – Al Leiendecker and Vince Yoder, Bowling is Good Exercise for Seniors, The Daily Record; Twitter: @Daily_Record
- To build upper-body strength, use the indoor rowing machine. “Indoor rowing is not just suited to strong young men and women, it is a low impact exercise that is good for an aging body. Studies have also shown that using a rowing machine as an older person is good for building physical stamina, stimulating bone growth and building bone mineral density.
“Indoor rowing is great for people in their 40s, 50s and 60s and older, reaching almost all your muscle groups to spread the load across your shoulders, arms, back, legs and abdominal muscles. If you’re new to indoor rowing, it’s wise to build your training program gradually and sensibly. Make sure to check with a doctor before you start any new exercise regime.” – Indoor Rowing for Seniors—It’s Not Just for the Fit and Able, First Degree Fitness; Twitter: @firstdegreefit
- Give adapted wall push-ups a try. “These push-ups can provide strengthening for your entire upper body with a focus on your arms and chest. But you don’t have to get down on the floor and worry about being stuck there!” – 6 Easy and Safe Exercises for Seniors, Nurse Next Door; Twitter: @nursenextdoor
- Dedicate time for regular resistance training. “Your loved one can improve their strength with the use of resistance training. There are countless resistance training exercises, from lifting a leg while wearing an ankle weight, to using resistance bands. Resistance training can help to strengthen muscles and prevent muscle loss, potentially reducing the chance of falls and injury, in turn.” – Paige Cerulli, 5 Indoor Exercises to Keep Your Loved One Active This Winter, Cahoon Care Associates, LLC.; Twitter: @cahooncare
- For chillier times, opt for indoor pool-based exercises. “If you are lucky enough to have an indoor pool within your building or on your grounds, make use of it. Swimming works your entire body, but gently, because the water reduces stress on bones and joints, so it is an excellent activity for those that have suffered previous injury or simply have fragile bodies.” – 3 Easy Indoor Exercises for Seniors, All Heart Home Agency; Twitter: @allheartcarenyc
Chair-Based Exercises for Seniors with Mobility Challenges
- Make sure your lower-back gets the stretch it needs. “Your spine is your control center and a source of strength for many activities, and the lower lumbar region of the spine is the powerhouse of all movement. The benefits of stretching your lower back on a regular basis include improving your range of motion, reducing back pain, and increasing the flexibility of tendons, ligaments, and muscles. Stretching exercises that focus on the lower back help to relieve tension and morning stiffness.” – Jillesa Anderson, 5 Exercises to Improve Mobility for Seniors, Intermountain Healthcare; Twitter: @Intermountain
- Work your knees. “Knee extensions are simple to do when already sitting in a chair. Seniors should sit with both feet on the ground and the back straight, then lift the right leg straight in front for five seconds, lower the leg, then repeat with the other leg. This exercise is extremely simple and enhances balance while keeping the hamstrings in good shape.” – Angie Kunnath, 6 Simple Exercises for the Elderly, Home Care Assistance; Twitter: @HCA_Waterloo
- Become an ‘air boxer.’ “A fantastic exercise for wheelchair and non-wheelchair users, air punching is exactly what it sounds like. Clinch your fists and extend your arms forward in a reciprocating motion. Try doing 15 punches on each side to start out, taking 30-second breaks in between each set. This can be achieved with or without light weights.” – Exercise Tips for Seniors with Limited Mobility and Chronic Ailments, Capital Senior Living
- Build strength with resistance bands. “Can be used while seated and there are plenty of different exercises to do for both the upper and lower body. If you are injured, focus on a different body group, and make sure to stop exercising if you experience pain.” – Top 5 Exercises for Seniors with Limited Mobility, Assisted Living by Unlimited Care Cottages; Twitter: @carecottages
- For very limited mobility, exercise with fidget toys. “People with limited mobility sometimes need to find new ways to release their energy, and fidgeting is one of them. Fidget toys, such as blankets with zippers and ribbons built in, have become widely popular in recent years. They’re also relatively simple to make, even for someone new to sewing. Offer to help with tasks that require deft movements, such as pinning fabric together, and watch as your loved one makes unique projects to keep or give as gifts to friends.” – James R. Buscemi, 6 Fun and Healthy Activities for Seniors with Mobility Challenges, Home Care Assistance; Twitter: @drkathyjohnson
- Practice de-stressing and meditation-based exercises. “In addition to movement, mental, and emotional state can also affect how motivated a senior will feel to get out and stay social. Stress, depression, and anxiety can lead to isolation, which is a growing problem for seniors in particular.
Relaxation exercises and practices like meditation and mental health resources are also an important part of a comprehensive wellness plan for seniors and older homebound adults at risk for mobility problems and physical ailments.” – How to Increase Mobility in Older Adults, Salmon Health and Retirement; Twitter: @SALMONHealth
- Sit — and stand. “The ability to stand up from a chair makes a huge difference in everyday life for seniors. It helps with essential activities like getting up from the toilet, out of bed, and out of a chair. That’s why the sit to stand exercise is probably the best of the mobility exercises for seniors. It’s a functional exercise for that exact movement and strengthens leg, core, and back muscles. Those muscles are needed to increase mobility and independence as well as improve balance. Plus, no equipment is needed and it can be done anywhere you can put a chair.” – The Best Way to Improve Senior Mobility: The Sit to Stand Exercise, DailyCaring; Twitter: @DailyCaring
- Improve posture with chair yoga. “Chair yogais a great way for older adults to get the wonderful health benefits of yoga. Staying seated means that even frail seniors or those who aren’t flexible can safely do the exercises. Yoga is an excellent way for older adults to loosen and stretch painful muscles, reduce stress, and improve circulation.” – Chair Yoga for Seniors: Reduce Pain and Improve Health, DailyCaring; Twitter: @DailyCaring
- Practice eye-tracking exercises. “Eye tracking exercises improve hand-eye coordination, boost agility, and can help adults at risk of falls. Targeting the vision balances the rest of the body, most importantly the vestibular system (the balance system located in your inner ear). Another advantage of eye tracking exercises is that they are static, reducing the pressure on the body for adults with mobility issues.” – Exercising for Life,
- Work out the ankles and wrists. “Many senior citizens struggle with poor circulation through the extremities, which can contribute to challenges with balance and mobility. KJ Landis, a personal trainer, and wellness workshop facilitator suggests ‘waking up’ the hands and feet through a series of lower-intensity moves before diving into more rigorous exercises.” – Laura Williams, MSEd, ASCM-CEP, 10 Chair Exercises for Seniors, Verywell Fit; Twitter: @Verywell
- Build shoulder strength with seated presses and raises. “We use our shoulders for a great many purposes. Our shoulders carry massive loads, some of us sleep on our shoulders, we fall and lean on them, and there are a variety of regular movements we make in the day with our shoulders. Training our shouldershas massive benefits to our capabilities while using our arms. If a senior isn’t able to have a full or even minimal amount to their range of motion in their shoulders, they could experience a lack of strength, pain in other parts of their body for picking up the slack, or reduced function in their day-to-day activities.” – 21 Chair Exercises for Seniors: A Comprehensive Visual Guide, California Mobility
- Increase flexibility with gentle toe taps. “To help improve activities like going up and down stairs, strengthen the muscles in the lower front and rear of your legs. Sit toward the edge of the chair with your heels touching the ground and your legs straight out in front of you. Point the toes toward the ground then up towards the ceiling, repeating the movement 8-10 times.” – Chair Exercises for Seniors, American Senior Communities; Twitter: @ASCSeniorCare
- Strengthen and stretch the knees. “Knee lifts are good for the quad muscles which are vital in helping us stand, sit, and change positions. To execute knee lifts from a sitting position, you will raise your right leg up towards the chest as far as you can without discomfort and place it back down. Alternate legs and perform eight to 10 repetitions on each side.” – Staying Active! The Best Exercises for Limited Mobility Seniors, ShieldMySenior; Twitter: @ShieldMySenior
- Use light-weight medicine balls to strengthen the core. “This exercise strengthens the sides of your stomach, the obliques. Hold the ball with both hands, sit on a chair and straighten your back. Tighten your abdominal muscles, bend your elbows and lift the ball in front of your belly button. Relax your shoulder blades and lift your chin so it is parallel to the floor. While keeping your hips still, twist your torso and the ball to your right. Return to the center, pause and then twist to your left. Repeat this pattern 12 to 15 times, stopping when your abdominal muscles fatigue.” – Judy Bruen, Small Ball Exercises for Senior Citizens, Sports Rec
Exercises for Seniors with Dementia
- Play carpet bowling or skittles. “Some people may retain their bowling skills or continue to participate in other ball games, and so may enjoy indoor carpet bowls or skittles. Some local leisure centers offer indoor bowls sessions, or sets can be purchased from toy or sports stores.” – Exercise in the Early to Middle Stages of Dementia, Alzheimer’s Society; Twitter: @alzheimerssoc
- Walk while running errands. “This is one of the best all-round exercises, and it’s free. Walking also helps to work off the restless urge to wander that is typical of Alzheimer’s patients. Try combining the walk with a useful errand, such as going to the shops for milk or exercising the dog.” – Dementia—Activities and Exercises, Better Health Channel; Twitter: @betterhealthgov
- Incorporate multisensory activities. “These activities can be especially good if a sufferer has become withdrawn. There are so many activities to choose from that often you will have to experiment to find one or a few that work best. You may want to try baking, playing with tactile objects, creating a memory box or visiting somewhere from their past. Gardening is a particularly good option. Plants, flowers, water features and wildlife can provide a stimulating environment, so consider doing some gardening together. Alternatively, you may want to visit a nearby garden to simply enjoy the natural surroundings.” – Exercises for Dementia: What You Can Do to Help, Prestige Nursing and Care; Twitter: @PrestigeNandC
- Perform slow, basic strength-training exercises. “The instructions should be given slowly, clearly and calmly. The carer and the person with dementiashould sit facing each other in a well aired room and do the exercises together. It is advisable to start with 3-4 exercises repeating them 10 times. Slowly the program can be broadened. The exercises should not last longer than 20 minutes. If the person enjoys them, they can be repeated twice a day, with different sets of exercises. The person should be encouraged patiently. Music can also be added to make the exercises more enjoyable. The first results can be expected after 3 weeks – both in carers and people with dementia.” – Dr. Hanna Jedrkiewicz, Keeping Active, Alzheimer Europe; Twitter: @AlzheimerEurope
- Build confidence with simple chores. “Sweep the patio, wipe the table, fold towels or try other household tasks that help the person feel a sense of accomplishment.” – Jennifer Wegerer, 10 Stimulating Activities for Alzheimer’s,; Twitter: @Alzheimersnet
- Help maintain cognitive abilities with dance. “Dance stimulates the brain and the body as well as tapping into the magic of music. It has lots of social elements as well as offering an opportunity for people to express themselves and most importantly to move. You don’t have to be mobile on your feet to dance – there are a number of approaches where people can dance with their arms and feet while still seated. Dance can even be incorporated into daily living tasks – try doing a dance with a person while walking into the dining room or the toilet!” – Movement and Exercise for People with Dementia, Social Care Institute for Excellence; Twitter: @SCIE_socialcare